Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Adoption related documentaries

PBS has been airing some adoption oriented documentaries on POV lately.  They are all interesting and have sparked much controversy online.  If you have time and enjoy documentaries, I'd say these were worth your time, definately will strike up conversations.

Re: international adoption through China and older child adoption

Re: Transracial adoption, searching for answers from birthmothers, and identify crisis

Re: a lie in international adoption (should be online now, but only saw the trailer....saw the documentary on dvr from my recording)


LA Mama said...

I've been watching these too; well, I only got through one so far--Off and Running. I hope to watch another one tonight.

JC said...

I watched the first two, and thought they were really well done. The little girl from China about broke my heart, though. It was tough watching the film, because her parents just didn't seem to get it or her.

Off and Running really touched me. My heart broke for Avery. It's the worst-case scenario in my mind for DD, that she will grow up wondering about her first family, and get no answers.