Monday, March 28, 2011

The Cradle Roll Post!

Sunday was the quarterly overhaul of the Cradle Roll Room. What is the ‘Cradle Roll Room’? Well if you are at all familiar with the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, basically the cradle roll room is the Sabbath School room for the children birth to 2 years of age.

I love the fact that our church does not have nurseries for children and that children hang out with us during church (sometimes that could be a double-edged sword but I like not being separated from my child). This also means that Sabbath School for the little ones (basically the same thing as Sunday School) usually is packed with parents and the little ones that are age appropriate for the room.

In the church I attend, the Sabbath School teachers and piano players are volunteers and mostly the parents. As you probably have guessed, I’m one of the teachers for Tigger’s cradle roll classroom. Every quarter the theme changes and so do the props. A few parents get together and we overhaul the room and decorate it again to represent the overall theme for the quarter. A quarter represents 13 weeks. So our kids are really familiar with the songs and program by the time we are through.

It’s a riot to see the babies enjoy their Sabbath School. They get to have a basket of different toys/objects that have to do with the songs and sometimes they get to put felts up on the board and do interactive motions as well.

Parent’s social hour is basically after Sabbath School as well. This is the way we make friends and talk about parenting issues and/or get to know each other better while our kids run around and play in the room after it’s over. I find that most of the participants in the cradle roll room attend the first church service at 9am and then come to Sabbath School because it works so much better for the younger kids. Some though, still do it the traditional way of coming to Sabbath School first and then church. Either way, it’s still a nice atmosphere for the kids and parents of kids.

It has been said there is a big absence of adults participating in Sabbath School for their own age group due to the fact that most accompany their children to theirs and/or are active leaders in their child’s class. Who can resist….would you want to be with “people your own age” when you can participate in this cuteness????

(5 months old)

(Next to cousins R & S banging some music sticks)

("I like to go to the farm where the cows moo moo")

(Sailing on a boat....yeah well we gotta do what we can with the props we have)

(I'm how the kids have their backs to me for story time...)

(Animals from the 'Heaven' curriculum)

(yes it's my Tigger getting older...yikes where has time gone)

1 comment:

Johanna S said...

Oye, a donde se fue el otro?! :) I did see your original post. Then the next morning it was gone. Strange! The blog monster ate it?!