Monday, January 23, 2012

What a weekend


I should begin with saying that both Tigger and I are home and that she is doing well.  Now I get to tell you that Tigger was hospitalized on Friday first for asthma and secondly they found out she had Pneumonia.  It was a rough weekend.  I was stressed out, Tigger looked bad Friday, and I'm switching Pediatricians.

First of all, I had been concerned about her health and had taken her in.....Pediatrician who has not done much for her when she's ill even though her other one had, sent us home telling me she would probably just get better....but to bring her back in if she still had a fever amidst my urging that the only reason she didn't have a fever was because I had given her some Ibuprofen.  Well, she just didn't look well and spiked another fever and that was it, I took her back and sure enough, by that time she was having asthma, and looking horrible enough that the Dr. immediately phoned the Hospital and within the hour we were transported by ambulance over to the hospital where we would stay for the next 2 1/2 days.

Tigger was a champ.....all the nurses fell in love with her, (of course who can resist) because she is an easy patient, she takes all her meds like a champ and doesn't thrash around.  First night in the hospital was just her and I.....luckily the chair in the room was a pull out bed chair although it is more of a cot really, smaller than a twin size bed and I didn't get much sleep....Tigger wasn't having a great night, Oxygen levels were down, and she needed breathing treatments quite regularly.  When we woke up and spoke with the Dr., they had found spotting in her lungs indicative of pneumonia and were going to keep her for one more day.  They also did that viral panel for RSV which then meant Tigger was in isolation and we got to wear awesome hospital gowns and masks so as not to pass out bugs if we went in and out of the room.  While we had family over visiting, Tigger had an asthma attack in front of all of us.....not very cool.  Luckily it calmed down once the nurse was called and she received more inhaler medicine.

The second night went so much better.  Tigger's fever broke and was steady at 97.8, she slept well without having coughing or asthmatic fits, S who had to work Saturday morning so couldn't stay the first night, spent the night at the hospital with us in that small cot....that was a feat!  He was a great help....and he was able to get Tigger to eat more food when I couldn't get her to eat so I was very thankful he was around.

Sunday afternoon we were finally released and now I'm just taking care of her and luckily I have some family that can help take care of her this week as she can't go to preschool for a week.  So I can still go to work some days this week as well.  And that was our summary of the weekend.  When I write next, I'll incorporate how adoption, lack of medical knowledge, and this visit went.  Some funny moments....but really, the first time lack of medical knowledge left a real uneasy feeling, even if the questions were minor.

Don't you love my family in their hospital garb?  Also look at that smile on Tigger, isn't it a wonder the nurses loved her?  She is a happy girl even in the midst of not feeling well


Ticia said...

That is a huge smile, and that doctor was an idiot. That's also why I try not to give my kids medicine before going to the doctor, let them look horrible when they get there.

aka. Mimi said...

So glad to hear she's doing better. That's always scary when a little one is so sick.

I definitely hear where you're coming from when it comes to lack of medical information. That's always the hardest part for me when it comes to foster care. Even the most BASIC information is completely unknown to me, and that makes it hard. Any allergies to medications? "Not that I know of, but that doesn't mean he/she doesn't have them!"

DeeChloRox said...

Oh my! I'm glad she is better. When I saw a hospital picture, I panicked so your first line was helpful. (I didn't notice that Tigger was smiling!) You did great! Always follow your mother's instinct.

Jenny said...

How frightening for you (and Tigger!). I'm so glad to hear that she's doing better.

And yes, I can see how why all the nurses fell in love with her. :)

Barb said...

Wow. Glad to hear about the happy ending (and see that amazing smile) but it must have been a crazy, scary ordeal. Make sure you take some time for yourself to exhale and breathe. Mom's need to remember to take care of themselves after their children are out of the woods. Whew.

Raven said...

Dannie, I'm so relieved that Tigger is doing so much better now. I swear that child just gets more adorable by the day!

Step-parent's Cove said...

Dannie, wow, you did have a heavy load to carry. Sorry to read that the doctor didn't reconize your daughter needed medical assistant he himself couldn't give. I so understand how you feel about getting a new children's doc. I think most times doctors allow their ego to get in the way. But I'm glad to read for all parties involved that all turn out great!

What a great guy Mr. S seems to be. But of course he is getting to share and enjoy being in the lives of two wonderful incredible women. :)

Have a great weekend!