Thursday, June 16, 2011

Today I Cried Silently

We only have 2 days left in the school year (for students that is) so any IEPs that need to be done have to be done before we leave on vacation.  Today we had one, I knew it would be a little longer than most, however, it dragged, and dragged, and while I support parents that advocate well for their kids, unfortunately this parent could not keep the meeting on track and would tangent like crazy.  Finally I was able to jet out of there and I high tailed it to the daycare before it closed. 

As I got there at around 5:40pm (the daycare closes at 6pm) I head into the room and usually the buzzing room that I see in the mornings is not buzzing and I realize, I am the last parent there for their child....and my child has been looking out the window waiting for me instead of playing on the rug. 

I hold it together and say pleasantries to the teachers, hug my baby and head for the car.  Once inside, I cry silently most of the way home as I can't handle coming home late and leaving my child that long without the ability to come home.  Luckily Tigger was satisfied with a car snack and children's music to notice my mood.  Goodness, I'd hate to know what I would be like if I had a year round job with traditional 8am-5pm hours....I think I'd have guilt fest city going on.  Thank goodness midweek next week we'll be doing the SAHM thing til end of August. 

Mom guilt at it's finest!


Ann said...

I can only imagine how you felt today...and I know how long some IEPs can go...but perhaps you could finish your part & leave (done that) or tell parent that they will have to meet again tomorrow... The joys of motherhood... Summer is almost here!<3

DannieA said...

Oh I know, normally we would stop and reconvene, but being so close to the end of the school year and everyone still has IEPs to go to tomorrow and Monday, we just wanted done.

Laura said...

I feel the same way when I leave my dog at the vet's kennel too long when I go on vacation. Srsly.

Deb said...

I totally get it. So nice you'll be home till August. You'll both enjoy that.

Ticia said...

sending you hugs through the internet. I can't imagine how hard that must be.

Anonymous said...

That is the worst feeling! I've done it before and felt lower than low. I walked into daycare really late, and Ben had been sobbing for an hour because he knew I should have already picked him up! Hang in there!