Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Gotta love the search terms....

Do most of you go and look up the search words or phrases that lead people to your blog?  I do occasionally and there have been a couple of interesting one.


'only God can judge me now'

'I'm having troubles with my morals'

'birth month birds'

'falsified adoption documents'

'dannie blog'

Ok first of all, I get the 'dannie blog'....Dannie is my online name and I have a blog.....

Happiness....ok don't know how that led you to my blog but cool....I am happy and daily life for me is happy most of the time so that's cool.

'only God can judge me now' would think Tupoc would have already been clicked and that would be the end of that.....

'birth month birds'....I just have no clue

I'M HAVING TROUBLES WITH MY MORALS......dude, maybe you need to see a priest or a counselor or someone, but my blog is not going to help you with that.

'falsified adoption I hope it's not because you think it's ok......

anyways just thought I'd share.  Sometimes a wacky one comes up here and there but tonight we had all these goodies!


Last Mom said...

I love reading those! I've gotten some really weird ones, too. I haven't forgotten your book! I will get it out soon.

Mie said...

These are funny - I love reading mine too.

Ticia said...

Hmmmm...... Now I'll have to look into finding out what searches get people to my blog.

Penelope said...

I had Stinkpot diaper. Hmmm!