Thursday, July 28, 2011


Tomorrow my child will officially be 2 years old.  She is an amazing child.....a very typical child that is in the world of testing boundaries....but amazing nonetheless.

I love having my parents live down the street.  It provides grandparents frequently (I lived far away from both sets of grandparents growing up so didn't see them often enough) and they get to celebrate everything with us.

However, sometimes it's hard because they want to celebrate EVERYTHING together.  That is not bad, I just need to carve out some time for important events like Christmas and Birthday where it's just her and I with a tradition.  Thinking about Tigger's birthday I've been pondering what tradition to have between us....after all her birthday is smack dab in the middle of summer where people are off on vacation and there's no school to whisk her away from to play hooky and do something fun which is something many kids look forward to if their birthday is during the school I decided on something simple.  Tigger loved her cake at her b-day party so much she's been yapping about cake all week long.  I'm sure the leftovers have been eaten up already (Grandma!) so went out and bought little cupcakes.

Yes tomorrow when we wake up, I'm going to do the whole Happy Birthday thing, give her the present from me, and let her eat a cupcake for her birthday breakfast (along with some other stuff too....I'm not THAT bad of a mom ha!).  It's simple moments like these or like tonight when she asked me to read about 6 books OY! while she melts and puts her head on top of me that I truly love.

A look back:  From last year to now!

*First haircut
*Walked at 15 months
*First Halloween dressed as Tigger (oddly, the day she started walking)
*First word other than mama
*Changing rooms at daycare to the toddler room and all that drama
*Teething....Lord the teething

It's been a great year.  Hey's you and me you bunches!


Kori said...

That's very sweet. I love it that you are going to create a special tradition for just the two of you. I didn't realize our daughters were this close in age. My "A" turns 2 on August 6th. I hope you both have a fab day tomorrow.

grace said...

happy birthday Tigger :D