Tuesday, August 9, 2011

TV epic fail!

You know those first time mothers that swear their child will not see anything on TV....ever.  (ok for the first five years?)  I just failed on that this week....yes Tigger loves music so music videos of songs she can sing and dance to I've let her watch, but those don't count.

We've been sucked into Blue mania this week....Tigger's only favorite programming for preschoolers.

Yup, my daughter is intrigued with Blue's Clues.  Lord help us.


DeeChloRox said...

You will be fine! I think it's great you minimized TV for the first two years! And I must sya, I enjoy some Blues Clues myself!

PS - I often want to comment on your posts, but I get them by e-mail on my phone, and I just can't type on that thing! But I am reading....

Ticia said...

In terms of annoying preschool programming it could be so much worse..........