Monday, January 24, 2011

Life can be all puppy dogs and happiness....

A Keeshond-Sibirian Husky puppyImage via Wikipedia

You know the saying, life isn't all roses, sunshine, and puppies.  I agree.....but in a literal sense these days life is all about puppies and dogs. 

No!  I did NOT get a puppy or a new dog, however Tigger is obsessed with "doggies" right now.  Everything is a dog.  The doggies are doggies and made to woof, I am a dog, the cat is a doggie, grandma and grandpa are doggies, and so on and so on. 

Now on the way to daycare I get "Mama, doggie!"  "mami, mami, DOGGIE!"  Ok baby I know you love doggies and are making every animal be officially named doggie.  We had to stop at the park this weekend because Tigger went insane when she saw a person with a doggie and I had to grab her before she ran up to the poor unsuspecting dog to give it some Tigger loving.  Oiy.....

Of course at grandma and grandpa's house there are magazines of chihuahuas and schnauzers and books on boxers, boston terriers, and chihuahuas, so all day long she will have a dog book or magazine in her hand and there is "talk" (jargon) about doggies. 

Well what can I say, I guess it's not a bad obsession at the moment!  I'll take that over a tween into Justin Beiber at the moment, of course maybe this doggie obsession *is* getting me ready for the tween obsession phase.
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Ticia said...

She and Princess can hang out and obsess about dogs....

Johanna S said...

What a cutie! It's age appropriate and it will pass; don't worry! My daughter went through that at that age. Dogs too! Each and every time we came home, she wanted to go on a walk around the neighborhood to look at "doggies"! Then it stopped for a while. Now, at three, she is a different animal each week, it feels like! First she was an elephant, then a butterfly, then a kitty cat, and, currently, "Sister Jaguar" (from Go Diego Go is my guess)! Kids are too cute! Sometimes the obsession drives you batty, but sometimes it simply makes your day!

Unknown said...

Oh, goodness! I'd take the doggie obsession over a Justin Bieber obsession any day! Count your blessings! :)