Friday, March 11, 2011

Angels among us!

I know that there are good foster homes and bad foster homes.  Tigger was not in the best foster home for her first placement and was moved to her second foster home before coming home with me.  Her second foster home however, was truly awesome.  I remember meeting the foster mom for the first time with my adoption worker and I just thought she was an awesome person.  Her home was/is categorized as a shelter home or most commonly known as emergency homes.  They are the homes that get children placed at all hours of the day AND night and their placements tend to be shorter before moving to a foster-to-adopt home (such as my home) or to another foster home for a longer duration. 

While foster-to-adopt homes also accept children that may ultimately end up back with family or other relatives (this journey is truly an emotional roller coaster), there is always that high chance of finalizing an adoption.  Foster homes on the other hand deal with their placements leaving.  I cannot imagine doing that work/mothering long term.  It must be hard on the emotions! 

I know when Tigger was placed, foster mom had to tell her teenage daughter and she was devastated.  Tigger was well loved and cherished in this household even in the short time that she was living there.  I truly think that shelter homes and strictly foster homes are filled with Angels on earth.  People who unselfishly care for a child no matter how long or short their stay will be and routinely get their hearts broken as they love their [foster] children fiercely for their season of stay. 

I think this is the main reason I keep in touch with Tigger's last foster mom via e-mail and facebook.  I send her updated photos and a short summary of how she is doing.  I hope she and her family knows that the care they give children really makes a difference.  I was also wondering in my mind if this was being appreciated or not since I hadn't heard from her in a while. 

I was a bit shocked to hear from Tigger's foster mom the other day e-mail me that she had been in a bad car accident earlier in the school year.  She just wanted to let me know that she gets my updates and it makes her day, but that she has been lousy and trying to heal that she hasn't been up to communicating as much via technology.  I'm glad I haven't stopped including her in my updates just because she stopped communicating.  I'm also very relieved to know that she is alive and recuperating.  She is one of the good ones!  A true angel among us, making a difference. 

Thank you to all foster families that strive to make a difference with children.  I know I personally appreciate it.  Without Tigger's last foster mom who loved Tigger so much, it would have been a more difficult road in our bonding and attaching as mother and daughter.


lisa said...

Thank you for a much needed reminder. I am currently providing respite for a little girl I hope will soon be with me. I sometimes feel as though the foster family is raising "my" child and get frustrated, but I have to remember that they are taking amazing care of her and I will hopefully reap the benefits of their hard work.

Unknown said...

Very true! There really are some wonderful foster parents out there who truly care about the kids. They need all the encouragement we can give them!