Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday Truisms: A short post I can handle

 I have no Idea what I did with my siggie....but I guess in my non brightest day ever....I must have erased it.
 So here we go....a short post as I'm resting up a bit....but obviously still addicted to the computer!

"Minor surgery still sucks"
"When you can't pick up your child for a few days, it hurts your heart"
"When they cut a chunk out of your breast, it looks like whale blubber"

The end!


Anonymous said...

Oh no! I hope that you mend quickly and can pick up your cutie soon! The whale blubber was a little TMI ;)!

Kelleydiona said...

Take it easy!!!! Get some rest. :) You can go back to being super mommy later. Tigger wont skip a beat.